Reconstruction of the apparel and weapons of the “Golden Man”
Dating: ІV-III cc. BC
Material: yellow-colored metal, suede.
Technique: stamping.
Size: һ-228 cm, width-66 cm.
Weight: 51 kg
Place of origin: Issyk mound, Zhetysu
Location: Republic State Enterprise «The National museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Description: The “Golden Warrior” found in the years 1969-1970 during the excavation of the Issyk mound near the city of Almaty under the leadership of the archaeologist Kemal Akishev is a masterpiece of the Scythian-Saka animal art jewelry. His garment has more than four thousand gold plates, which were made using various metal processing techniques - casting, forging, stamping, embossing, engraving, granulating, embossing and carving.
Reconstruction kit of “Taksay princess”
Dating: end of VI - middle of V c. BC.
Material: Composite, fabric, leather, suede, metal, fur, hide, wood, artificial hair.
Place of origin: Western Kazakhstan, Taksay I, mound6.
Location: RSE “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Description: In accordance with the results of scientific research, we can conclude that this mound belongs to a woman who held a high social position in society. The clothes and headdress of the deceased, her arms and neck were decorated with a large number of gold items, some of which, in particular the headdress, emphasize her high status. Found, specially folded in a corner of the grave, ritual objects indicate the fulfillment by a woman of priestly functions. And finally, this is indicated by the mound rite itself, when the mound chamber was exposed to strong fire, which led to the appearance of a layer of scorched earth around the grave with slag formations. The safety of the mound made it possible to reproduce with the greatest possible completeness the picture of the funeral rite, to reconstruct the clothes and headdress of the buried. As part of the discovered items there are products, both local and imported.
Tobolsk thinker. Anthropomorphic stone sculpture
Dating: III-II millennium BC.
Material: stone. (sandstone)
Technique: embossing, grinding
Place of origin: Kostanay region
Size: 202 mm.
Weight: 4 kg.
Location: RSE “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Description: The Tobolsk thinker was found in the Kostanay region in 1976. A stone sculpture depicts a man squatting. The face of the person is turned upwards. The sculpture has pronounced features of the face: nose, lips, eyes, chin. The base of the sculpture’s right leg is missing.
Reconstruction of the ceremonial decoration «Horse-griffin» of the Saka leader
Dating: IV-III centuries. BC.
Material: Leather. Electrotype copy. White and yellow foil. hides.
Technique: Sewing. Casting. Stamping. cladding.
Place of origin: Kurgan Berel, Kazakh Altai, East Kazakhstan
Location: RSE “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Author – K. Altynbekov
Reconstruction of the "Urjar Princess"
Dating: IV-III centuries. BC.
Leather material. White and yellow foil. The cloth.
Technique: Sewing. Casting. Stamp.
Location: Kurgan Tasaryk, Urdzhar district, East Kazakhstan
Location: RSE “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Author – K. Altynbekov